I'm a regular terminal user and with F18 I switched back from Sakura to XFCE Terminal, because for some reason sakura refused to get configured as before (I think I wasn't able to remove window borders anymore)—I prefer terminal in some kind of semi-full-screen mode, i.e. maximized (but with DE panel[s] still visible), without menu, without window borders, without scrollbars. And while I was at the configuring, I decided to change the default colour scheme. It's not like I particularly dislike it, but as a regular mc (midnight-commander—there isn't a better file manager out there) user, I kinda grew to dislike the blueness of the default blue and some kind of colour combinations weren't exactly easy to read (hinted fonts are partially to blame for that though, by design). So first I searched a bit over the net, but didn't find anything satisfactory, so I decided to adapt Echo Icon Theme Palette for terminal use (black terminal, I've also prepared a bright/inverse version for xchat). First how it looks:
And now for the actual colours. Here's an excerpt from ~/.config/Terminal/terminalrc
BackgroundMode=TERMINAL_BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT BackgroundDarkness=0.950000 ColorPalette1=#000000000000 ColorPalette2=#b4b400000000 ColorPalette3=#0000aaaa0000 ColorPalette4=#cbcb7c7c0000 ColorPalette5=#00003f3f6868 ColorPalette6=#bfbf0000efef ColorPalette7=#0000a61dd074 ColorPalette8=#c6c6c6c6c6c6 ColorPalette9=#5ef75ef75ef7 ColorPalette10=#ffff52990000 ColorPalette11=#9393dada0000 ColorPalette12=#ffffe1e13939 ColorPalette13=#00007373a2a2 ColorPalette14=#dbdb8181ffff ColorPalette15=#8181e3e3ffff ColorPalette16=#ffffffffffff ColorForeground=#c6c6c6c6c6c6 ColorCursor=#c6c6c6c6c6c6 TabActivityColor=#00003f3f6868 ScrollingSingleLine=FALSE
You can notice I also included ScrollingSingleLine=FALSE
—that makes shift+arrows work in mc to select items ;-)
And now from ~/.xchat2/colors.conf
color_0 = 0000 0000 0000 color_1 = ffff ffff ffff color_2 = 5050 d8d8 ffff color_3 = 5b5b b5b5 0000 color_4 = ecec 2828 0000 color_5 = d7d7 a1a1 3c3c color_6 = d4d4 6767 ffff color_7 = b4b4 0000 0000 color_8 = 6666 3c3c 0000 color_9 = 0606 9090 0000 color_10 = 0000 7373 a2a2 color_11 = 0000 3f3f 6868 color_12 = 0000 adad dbdb color_13 = bfbf 0000 efef color_14 = 5e5e 5e5e 5e5e color_15 = 3030 3030 3030 color_16 = 0000 0000 0000 color_17 = ffff ffff ffff color_18 = 5050 d8d8 ffff color_19 = 5b5b b5b5 0000 color_20 = ecec 2828 0000 color_21 = d7d7 a1a1 3c3c color_22 = d4d4 6767 ffff color_23 = b4b4 0000 0000 color_24 = 6666 3c3c 0000 color_25 = 0606 9090 0000 color_26 = 0000 7373 a2a2 color_27 = 0000 3f3f 6868 color_28 = 0000 adad dbdb color_29 = bfbf 0000 efef color_30 = 5e5e 5e5e 5e5e color_31 = 3030 3030 3030 color_256 = ffff ffff ffff color_257 = 0000 7373 a2a2 color_258 = 0000 0000 0000 color_259 = ffff ffff ffff color_260 = cccc 1010 1010 color_261 = 0606 9090 0000 color_262 = 0000 7373 a2a2 color_263 = 5b5b b5b5 0000 color_264 = 5e5e 5e5e 5e5e
Hope it's useful to other people than me as well. I find it both easier on eyes, and having better readability (with the font I'm using, it seems this one is important too).
PS: For those wondering about some differences of my desktop compared to previous screenshots—when trying out CentOS 6, I got addicted to analog clock ;-) And a little while before I decided to hide the bottom panel automagically to have more space for apps.
PPS: My apologies for having some comments in my moderation queue for too long, somehow I wasn't notified via mail, or missed them. I definitely don't censor, the moderation is for spam purposes only (or for cases were people post the same reaction multiple times).
Update (2013/08/08): In Fedora 19 (and newer), the xfce terminal config is in different place and colours are specified slightly different. Here's excerpt from ~/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc
ColorPalette=#000000;#b40000;#00aa00;#cb7c00;#003f68;#bf00ef;#00a6d0;#c6c6c6;#5e5e5e;#ff5200;#93da00;#ffe139;#0073a2;#db81ff;#81e3ff;#ffffff ColorCursor=#c6c6c6c6c6c6 TabActivityColor=#00003f3f6868 ColorForeground=#c6c6c6c6c6c6
Nice to see two of the icons I made a long time ago in the top panel ;)
Great post!
Thanks VERY much for this post. Aside from the cool color scheme, it helped me a great deal because I needed the shift+arrow keys for marking text in mc, which your config allows.
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