Sunday 4 October 2009


So, I've discovered a Fedora Project run weblog site and I'm wondering what's the state of it. Since the url does not include publictest# I guess it's not a testing instance, so I've created a blog there :-D Does anyone know if it's ready for starting to use? And since it's supposed to be for fedora contributors I wonder about 15MB limit for media -- people would probably like to post screencasts and such things are big, so the 15MB limit might be used up quite fast and I'm not sure if fedorapeople space is a good place to store supporting media for their blogs on...


mapleoin said...

There's a thread on infra-list you might want to take a look at.

Martin said...

Well, what I've got from the thread is that it's 90% done and there is no link from one's blog to dashboard...

nicu said...

Abut the space for attachments, I remember a relatively recent discussion (don't have the mood to dig for it in archives): it was proposed to delete large files from the wiki after a while (like screencasts for old releases) - I think is stupid but I don't have a say in this. Probably the reason for small attachments in blogs is the same, you will have to host the multimedia content in a more reliable place.

Nick said...

I'm one of the blog admins. If you need your limit raised, IIRC we can raise it on a per blog basis (or we can raise it globally if we want).

For now I'm inclined to leave the limit the same by default, but if anyone needs a bigger limit for their blog, email and as long as you have a somewhat reasonable reason, I'd anticipate that we would grant the request for your blog. We aren't really limited by space, we just don't want to make there not be a limit and have people do crazy things.